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Master Resume Sample for revising


Resume Sample 
Momo, Germany·
+ (0)1766 555 666· job@jianli-sky.com

Technische Universität München                                                                                Munich, Germany
M.Sc. Candidate, Sustainable Resource Management                                                        Expected October, 2013
l         Specialized in environmental economics and policy and waste and material flow management
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                      xxxxx, Germany
Dip. Ing., Environmental Engineering                                                                           March, 2010 – July, 2011
l         College coordinator for Sino-foreign cooperative education
l         Provided colleagues consultation services of international master program in Germany voluntarily
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                  Shanghai, China
B.Sc., Chemical Engineering and Technology                                                   September, 2007 – September, 2011
l         Vice president of the Student Union in Sino-German College
l         Commissioned by 11 seniors for oversea study documents notarization, complying a handbook for the following
l         Won the award for Outstanding Social Progress of the University (top 5%) in two consecutive years (2007, 2008)
ANDERS Consulting                                                                                                     Munich, Germany
AndersChinaDesk, Intern                                                                          July, 2013 – Expected September, 2013
l         Researched and made a presentation on Chinese Super League, achieved contact details of all 16 clubs
l         Released the recruitment information, screening the resumes and conducted preliminary interviews for recruiting the shop assistants in Düsseldorf and Cologne for Juwelier Rüschenbeck
FLO-CERT GmbH – Certifier for Fairtrade                                                                        Bonn, Germany
Sales & Marketing Department, Climate Change Intern                                        September, 2012 – March, 2013
l         Led and finished the Carbon Footprint (CF) of FLO-CERT project in method establishment, data gathering and analysis, calculation and report drafting www.jianli-sky.com 
l         Assisted in the certifier ident, and participated TÜV certification process for CF of FLO-CERT
l         Managed the data gathering and processing of FLO-CERT Interactive Map project
Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA                                                                                     Lübeck, Germany
R&D Department, Chemical Component, Intern & Bachelor thesis                          February, 2011 – August, 2011
l         Designed the process for fit testing and carried out it for N95 & FFP2 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators  
xxxxxxxx Gas Manufacture Co. Ltd                                                                               Shanghai, China
Engineering Department, Intern                                                                        September, 2009 – January, 2010
l         Monitored waste water quality and compiled daily testing data into database for weekly and monthly summary
Shanghai New Oriental School                                                                                         Shanghai, China
Marketing, Campus consultant                                                                               November 2008 – June, 2009
l         Set up a customer database bank by visiting 14 dorms, 2000+ people
l         Achieved ¥197,500 (representing 18% among 28 persons) in a 3-month sales period, ranked No.1
Chinese Students & Scholars Association xxxxx                                                              xxxx, Germany
General Secretary                                                                                           December, 2011 – December, 2012   
l         Led a group of 5 members in organizing a Chinese new year eve’s dinner (320 persons) and performance (2 hours) for students studying abroad in xxxxx (dealing with € 5100 in total)
l         Communicated and assisted the public activities of PRC Consulate of xxxxxxxxxxx
Language Native Chinese speaker, English (professional proficient), TOEIC (Reading and listening): 930
Skill Proficient with Word and Excel, Expert in PowerPoint
Interests Zumba, spinning, cooking and baking – I can bake delicious New York style light cheese cake!
